Dr. Nowhera Shaik, the National President of the political party, formed the All-India Mahila Empowerment Party (AIMEP) in 2017 to ensure that women are free of religion, language, colour, caste, etc. To pay accurate taxes to the government of India by all the investors, businessmen, traders, and others. Meanwhile, to make it clear and simple for farmers to receive their payments in a systematic manner. With the help of party members, leaders, youth, and women, the AIMEP party was able to win the Maharashtra state Gram Panchayat elections in 2022. The organised and structured principles of the political party are not compared with the others.
The AIMEP party has won the hearts of the state after about 5 years of hard work. The Gram Panchayat elected members of Fatehpur taluk are seven, and one is Sarpanch of the Lathur district in the state of Maharashtra. The National President of the AIMEP party, Dr. Nowhera Shaik, congratulated all the winners of the Gram Panchayat elections that were held in Fatehpur taluk, Lathur district, of Maharashtra state. The elected members of the 2022 Gram Panchayat elections are deserving of their positions. At the same time, under the influence of the National President, the Maharashtra State Working President, Mrs. Sunita Mohan Tupasoundarya, held a meeting with all the party members, supporters, and the Gram Panchayat elected members to ask the queries of the state in order to progress it ahead in a prolific manner.
In the meeting, Mrs. Sunita Mohan Tupasoundarya came out with an initiative after the conversations from the meeting, saying that the water and educational management systems must be prioritized. Hopefully, the elected members of the Gram Panchayat in Fatehpur will be authorised to channel the functions accurately.
The AIMEP party will take the next step in their campaign for national elections in 2024 by presenting the principled functions that will be carried out throughout the country.