A museum in Kolkata has to be visited that is filled with old guns, mutinies, etc.

A museum in Kolkata has to be visited that is filled with old guns, mutinies, etc.

Biplab Roy, the Administrator General and the Bengal’s official trustee, has placed rare and centuries-old artifacts, documents, photos, cannons, arms, and much more that have been kept as memories since a long time. Curiosity about watching it occurs frequently. The memories of the past are always fabulous to look at. Because it would be involved with the historic concerns pertaining to the same. Roy’s habit was to find and collect artefacts from decades ago and learn what they were used for. For this idea, the new museum was born to impress everyone.

Buried in the dust inside the rooms along the labyrinth-like corridor were rare, centuries-old treasures: sketches, photos, documents, books, and arms. Black and white photos of a three-decker tram on the roads, similarly, of the Holwell Monument in ivory, a book on public hygiene written in 1919 by an Indian doctor during the outbreak of the Spanish flu, and several other images that boggle the mind, along with certain rare artefacts that were covered in dust but are now being restored by Roy.

New armed treasures with his new finds, Roy set up on a quest for more, which took him around Bengal, looking for, and finding a lot of ammunition, hundreds of years old—cannons, guns, and swords—used by the British and by armed revolutionaries of the time. Then it began with the herculean work of restoring them.

Stone statues that were lying on the ghats of the Ganga were also collected. There were some incidents that caused me, and my friend tensed while searching for several artifacts. When we both entered one location, there were a lot of snakes, and my friend was a little scared of them. I came across several facts that the snake would not attack in the dust, which I eventually used to collect several antique things that inspire many people now.

These incidents have made a place filled with memories for all the time.
